Advantage : when a foul is commited, the referee can let the play going if the team of the player who has been fouled keeps possession of the ball in a favorable situation.
Assist : last pass before the goal is scored.
Attacking : the team that has possession the ball attacks. All the players of the team attack according to their position.
Attacking the ball : going to meet the ball. The player attacks the ball to get it before the opponent.
Checking away/to the ball : movement of a player asking for the ball. The player runs into a free space away from the opponents.
Checking to the ball : play of an attacker leaving is forward position by running toward his ball carrier teammate and asking for the ball.
Counter-attack : an attack launched by a defending team just after it regains possession of the ball. The attack is quick with a minimum of passes and time to prevent the opponent to get back in position.
Creating space : attacking players move into open space and away from the opponents in order to give the ball carrier possibilities to pass. Players may move into an open space to take an opponent away and gives space to the ball carrier.
Cross : pass coming from an outside player toward a player placed in front of the goal.
Cut : 1v1 move allowing the player to go passed an opponent. Quick change of direction.
Cutting the angle : position of the goalkeeper according to his goal and the opponent carrying the ball. The GK cuts the angle so the striker does not have an easy shot.
Defender (back) : player who's first role is to prevent the opponent from scoring and to get the ball back.
Defending : the team that does not have the ball defends. All the players of the team defends according to their position.
Dribbling : moving mastering the ball with one's feet.
Duel : 2 opponenents fighting for the ball.
Fake : 1 vs 1 move made in order to go passed an opponent. A fake is to pretend to go in a direction and to go in another one. I.e. Cruiyff move, scisors, step-over, etc.
First touch : receiving the ball and controlling it using one touch to go in the chosen direction. The objective of a good first touch can be to win time, to accelerate the play or to leave one's opponent.
Goalkeeper : the only player on the field who cannot use his hands. His main role is to prevent the other team from scoring goals.
Hat trick : 3 goals scored in a row by the same player.Heading : shooting the ball with the head. However, he will not be called off-side if he does not play the ball.
Individual marking : defending style of a team. Each defender marks an opponent following him where ever he goes and trying to prevent him from receiving the ball or moving forward with the ball.
Interception : getting the ball back intercepting a pass from an opponent.
Juggling : mastering the ball in the aire kicking it with different parts of the body (everything but the hands and arms). The ball cannot touch the ground. Juggling with the head, the feet, thighs, etc.
Keeping the head up : a player keeps his head up to know what's going on on the field. At all time he needs to know where he is on the field, where the opponents and teammates are.
Long pass : pass to a player placed more than 25 yeards away.
Match : game between 2 teams. Number of players may change.
Nutmeg : going passed an opponenent by kicking the ball between an opponent's legs and getting it back after running around this opponent.
Off-side : a player is called off-side if, at the moment the ball is played to him, he finds himself between the goal line and the last defender.
One-two : player A passes to teammate B ; A runs around the opponent ; B makes a lead pass to A.
One vs one move : going passed an opponent with the ball making a move : fake, cut, pullback and change of speed.
Pass : giving the ball to a teammate.
Playing wide : playing the ball on the outside to use the entiere width.
Pullback : 1 vs 1 move made in order to go passed an opponent. The player makes a pullback by placing his foot on the ball and pulling it with the sole. Then he dribbles in the chosen direction.
Right or left back : player who's first responsability is to defend on his side of the field. In modern soccer, he is asked not only to defend but also to attack when his team has possession of the ball (spreading out, dribbling up the sideline, crossing, etc.).
Save : a goalkeeper makes a save to prevent an opponent from scoring a goal.
Short pass : pass to a player placed within 15 yards.
Sliding tackle : defensive technique. The defender slides and kicks the ball away of the attacked.
Soccer coach : the soccer coach or soccer trainer is in charge of the team. his role is to prepare and run the soccer training session. He also coaches the team during the matches.
Soccer coaching session : time directed by a coach or a trainer. The objective is to make the team better. Technical, tactical and physical soccer drills and games are set up to improve players individually and collectively.
Soccer drill and soccer game : a training session is composed of soccer drills and games. The objective of a drill or a game is to improve players in a particular need. It can be physical, technical or tactical. The coaching points of a drill or a game can be : the touch, the first touch, creating space, passing, shooting, etc.
Spreading out : outside players move toward the sideline to make the field bigger and create more space.
Striker (or forward) : player who's first responsability is to score goals.
Sweeper : center back.
Switching field : playing the ball from a side of the field to the other side of the field using a minimum of passes (usually 1 to 3 passes) and time.
Team shape : position of the players according to the position of the ball and the opponent.
Through ball : ball played in the space behind he the defenders.
Trap : receiving the ball off the air mastering it using one touch (with the foot, thigh or chest).
Volleying : shooting the ball before it touches the ground.
Wall : when there is a free kick for the opponent a wall is composed with players placed next to each other in order to cut a shooting angle.
Winger : right or left winger. Outside striker or midfielder who's role is to dribble up the sideline and cross.
Zonal defending : defending according to the position of the ball and the zone where the ball is.