Losing one's marker
Focus on helping the ball carrier:
- Positioning oneself in such a way as to avoid any risk of interception (no opponent should be between "you" and the ball carrier)
- Being at the right distance with respect to the play : neither too far nor too close to the ball carrier
- Giving or creating free space for oneself
- Creating free space for the ball carrier or another teammate
Equipment: balls, cones, pinnies (3 colors).
3 vs 2 attacking waves:
Teams of 3 players.
The Red team (3 players) attacks the Blue team (2 players and 1 keeper). The Yellow team is waiting in the midfield.
When the play is over: the Blue team goes to the midfield and waits; the Red team defends; the Yellow team attacks.
If the defense gets the ball back; it has to play it in the feet of one of the player of the waiting team.
- asking the ball carrier to challenge the defense
- asking other players to spread out to create space