A good help for the field :
Preparing the training session also allows you to have your session on paper to bring to the field.
It gives several advantages. It allows the trainer to have the session written with him during the training, it's a reminder with the picture of the exercises, the instructions and advice to give to players.
The paper can be very useful. It's always good to have it. The trainer must have the session in his mind but the paper help is there in case he forgets something. In more, during the session, you can write down comments, suggestions and questions you have without waiting until the end of the training.
Keeping track of all your training sessions :
Once the training is over, don't throw your session away. Note for each exercise that worked well. Keep it to use when preparing the next sessions. It allows you to know what themes you worked on during previous sessions, the exercises you've done with your team, the comments you wrote, etc.
Archive your training sessions. This will allow you to be more pertinent in your training and prevent you from using the same exercise 36 times.