Shooting exercises :
The following organization is made for a group of 12 players + a keeper with only 1 goal available (same organization for less players).
The session's theme is controlling + shooting :
- 4 groups of 3 players : blues, reds, yellows and greens
- 2 sources of balls with passers (lots of balls)
- ball boys
- a place to shoot with right foot and a place to shoot with left foot
Comments :
- divide group if 2 goals are available (12 players on the same goal is close to the maximum) : it allows more repetitions
- this organization with ball boys is usable for every shooting exercise : dribbling + shooting, one-touch shooting, volleying, etc.
Explanation of the exercise :
Green passes to Yellow ; Yellow controls toward the goal and shoots right foot. When Yellow shoots, Blue passes to Red ; Red controls toward the goal and shoots left foot. A Green and a Blue get the ball and bring them to the passers. The ball boys' job is very important because they have to make sure that there are always a lot of balls for both sources. Not shooting at the same time but alternatively : Yellow shoots once then Red shoots, etc.
After 3 minutes, change roles : reds change with blues ; greens change with yellows. reds and yellows are now passers and ball boys ; blues and greens are shooters.
The exercise continues changing roles every 3 minutes until each group shot right foot and left foot. Four times 3 minutes is 12 minutes.
Quantification of the shots :
About 9 shots/player in 3 minutes
3 minutes right foot + 3 minutes left foot = 18 shots
2 controlling + shooting variations (2 times 12 minutes) = 36 shots in 24 minutes
This efficient and dynamic organization allows each player to shoot at the goal 36 times in less than 30 minutes (24 minutes + changes of positions).
Ask keepers to play about every other ball. In 30 minutes the keeper will receive more than 400 shots!